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Well, well, well... Look what the bat dragged in! RED VELVET the Vampire is here to haunt your Halloween nights. 

Humph... there are FAR worse ways to go, I say! 

Good morning, my beautiful Patrons.

Here you go, my beautiful Patrons! PAGE 02 of this year's Halloween mini-comic... FANGS! This is the line art, and the colors are up next.

Okay, the colors are up next, so STICK AROUND!!


COLORS: Cabrera and Fillion

FANGS, PETER GOLDMAN, GHOSTBOY, RED VELVET, and all other characters are © Copyright & 2022 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




It's really easy to overlook the amount of detail that goes into the backgrounds. Did that sofa take up more time than Red Velvet?


Wow Patrick. Just...w🖤w. The detail, the lines... 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


I totally didn’t notice this until I was looking at the line art, but I just love that his shadow is still him as a vampire bat. It adds to the… mystique… dread… (the feeling escapes me); it’s like his true form is very much the vampire, and the sexy AF beefcake before us is merely a mirage… You’re just so good at dropping those subtle details that set up, almost imperceptibly, the mood of the piece.

Thomas Polk

That Patrick is ingenious there is no doubt. No wonder I loved that butt so much, it's Red Velvet! And coupled with my Ghostboy, Peter! WOW!


LOL! Thanks so much for noticing these details, Aspyr -- I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. I put a lot of effort into the backdrop details because I feel they really help to make a story feel grounded and plausible. Although I will say that in this case, the couch was an illustration I'd already drawn. I originally drew it for the STEPHANE calendar Hunk image set back in 2020. I keep a lot of art like that in an "assets" file. That way, it can sometimes serve again in another capacity. In this case, the couch was perfect to go behind Red and really put across the notion that this house is "old-timey"! LOL! Thanks again for all the very kind words! It's all greatly appreciated! XOXOX 😍🤗💖😘


You're so sweet and kind, dear Jason -- thank you so much for always being such a Sweetheart! I'm so glad you enjoyed the line art on this page! Great Big Hugz + Kisses to you!! XOXO 😍💖😍💖


OH MY GOSH -- It makes me so happy that you picked up on the bat shadow, JT... I was REALLY hoping people would notice that. I try to put a lot of subtle easter eggs/details into all the pages I create. Sometimes those details are so subtle that they go unnoticed, and I think in the case of this shadow, it shows up better in the line art than in the colored versions... but I totally LOVE that you noticed it and that it gave you the impressions it did! SO VALIDATING!!!!! Thank you again SO SUPER MUCH -- I loved reading your comment!! SMOOCHES to ya! 🤗😊😍❤️😍 XOXOX


Heh! Heh! Heh! I'm so happy you're enjoying this pairing so much, dear Thomas. I figured these two hotties would look mighty nice together. I mean, you know how much I also LOVE Peter. Anytime I can draw him is a HUGE perk for me, and I just felt that Red Velvet doesn't often get his due, so here he is! LOL! All that to say I'm thrilled you're enjoying this! Much love to ya! XOXOX 🤗💖😘💖