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Hello, my beautiful Patrons! 

Many of you have written to find out how I'm doing and I greatly appreciate your concern. 

I'm recuperating, slowly, but I guess (hope) surely! My Doctor and Physiotherapist are both following my progress very closely, and I'm quite grateful for that as well. It's taking much longer to see noticeable differences than I might have liked, however. I'm told Herniated Discs are just like that. 

The pain in my back has eased off a little, and I am able to walk a little more now. Oddly, as my back begins to feel better, the nerves that run down my leg and into my ankle and foot have been lit on fire. It's been really painful and super frustrating because I hurt my back, NOT my leg, and foot, and yet, the majority of the pain registers there.  It makes sitting and lying down very uncomfortable, and I guess, for that reason, I'm still having to curtail how much I work at my drawing table each day. 

That being said, I'm still drawing. It's just taking me a little longer than usual to finish an illustration or a comic page. 

I deeply appreciate your continued patience and understanding, as well as your many kind messages and well wishes. It makes a BIG difference knowing you're all in my corner. 

I'll have more NEW art for you shortly, but while you wait, here's a fun new FAUX COVER to enjoy! "The ZOMBIE MEN of TILLICUM MARSH" are coming for ISAIAH -- and FOR YOU!! MWAH! HA! HA! 

I'll continue to keep you posted, my friends. Again, HUGE THANKS for all the love and patience. I truly do appreciate you all! 

Hugs all around -- Patrick XOXOXO 



Conor Young

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your back troubles, Patrick! Keeping you in my thoughts, I hope your recovery continues at a steady rate, be sure to take care of yourself in the meantime <3

Phoenix Monroe

I'm not a doctor but I can explain why your leg and foot are hurting. Sometimes, a herniated disc can irritate or pinch near spinal nerves. Since your central nervous system is located in the spinal column it stands to reason that if the disc is irritating or pinching a nerve it can affect different areas of the body. Most likely the never being affected relates to your leg, which can radiate down to the foot. I suffer from lower back pain, which has gotten better since I've lost weight but having a job where I sit most of the day doesn't help. Look into an Everlasting Comfort seat cushion. They are designed to help align your spine and drastically reduce back and hip issues. I've had one for years and it definitely helps. I am glad to hear you're getting better and still following Doctor's orders. Be well 💖💖🤗🤗

Roger Robb

Wow this is a very hot drawing!. Hope you're getting better. Thank you for sharing your drawings with us!


If you don't take the time to recover, your body will decide for you. Thank you for the drawing, and everything nervous system connects to the spine, so this is likely your body saying, "no, that's enough of that for now"


What an incredible image!!! 💚🧡❤️💛🖤💚🧡❤️💛🖤

Johnny Gayzmonic

I'm glad you're feeling better, but don't forget that your health always comes first. We can wait for more art; your body can't.


I’ll be here still once you recover more


Take care of yourself. Don't push it.


Take Care, and health first <3

David Cantero

SO COOL Vintage effect; my dear Patrick!!! I LOVE IT!!! :D

Thomas Polk

Keep up the good work, both physically and artistically!


Thanks so much, dear Conor. I really appreciate the concern and love. I'm truly doing my best to get back on my feet as fast as I possibly can, but I realize these injuries take the time they take, so I'm also trying to be patient. LOL! I'll keep you guys posted! Lots of love to you!! XOXO 💖🤗😊😘


Thanks so much, Phoenix. Yup! That's how my Physiotherapist explained it to me. It's just maddening because the pain isn't where you'd expect it to be, but all my exercises and stretches are designed to refocus the pain and address it in the area that was hurt to begin with. Long process, to be sure. Thanks for the tip about the cushion. I'll look into that. I'm glad it's helped you a lot along the way, too. Thanks again for all the love and well-wishes. SMOOCHES to ya, my friend! XOXOX 💖💖🤗😊


Thank you so much, Roger -- for the kind words and for the compliments on the cover, too! SMOOCHES! XOXO 💖🤗😊💖


You're so right, Stratavos! I have to listen to my body and I promise I am being really good about doing exactly that, now... and I plan to do that going forward, even once I finally heal from this injury. It's time for positive changes to how I do things, and my body has put its foot down! LOL! Lotsa love and thanks!! 🤗😊😘❤️ XOXO


Thanks so much, dear Johnny! Yup -- I'm reminding myself of that every single day now. But on the plus side, it's getting easier to actually LISTEN to my body's cues and take the breaks and time off I need. I think that the silver lining to all of this is that I am FINALLY, TRULY making some very positive changes to how I do things! Much love and thanks for all the well-wishes and love, my friend. SMOOCHES! XOXO ❤️🤍❤️🤍


Awww --thank you so much, Dontwain. That means the world to me! SMOOCHES to you!! XOXOX 💖💖💖💖


Thank you so much, my dear David! You are so Sweet!!!! Gros Bisous!!!! 😍😍❤️❤️ XOXOX


C'est trop beau ! And super reassuring to read you're getting better, slowly but the key word is better: BE PATIENT, listen to your body. Gros bisous, mon ami !