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Hello, my beautiful Patrons. 

I had to go to the emergency room today, due to extreme pain in my lower back, right leg, and foot. This pain started about a week ago, and at first, it was diagnosed as a pinched L5 nerve, but the ER doctor that saw me today confirmed that it's more than that and that I do in fact have a herniated disc. 

The pain is NOT FUN... and there's no miracle cure for this. Just rest and constant, small bouts of exercise and stretches to try and ease out the tension in my leg. Sure, drugs help mitigate the pain, but I'm not comfortable sitting, standing, or lying down for very long. It's all very awkward and annoying. 

I think this is my body giving me some signs. You know me, I tend to think of myself as an art machine, but the truth is I'm only (sadly) human! LOL! 

The ER doctor told me to ease up -- and he was not the first doc to tell me this sort of thing. So, my quest for balance in my work-life continues. If only I weren't so CONSUMED by my need to create my art! LOL! 

I'm letting you know this because I've been kinda quiet these past couple of days, and I just need you to please bear with me. 

I still have many goodies to come this month -- art that was completed before I F**KED up my back -- and slowly but surely, I'm sure things will fall back into place with my body, and then I can reassess how I'm doing things. 

For now, I promise you, I'm gonna do the best I can to heal up properly and to rest as much as possible. And coming up this week, I'll be releasing the next HOMOCLIX ART for you to enjoy. I'm NOT abandoning you, I just may not be quite as prolific while I deal with this health situation. 

But don't you worry, I'll be back on my feet in no time. Ah, the power of positive thinking, right? LOL!

Much love to you all -- you are ALL amazing and I appreciate you TONS!


CLX (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-09 10:02:33 Oh man I hope it's okay now & it won't happen to often. I have lower back issues from time to time too: it's necessary to stretch, exercise when you can, even if you don't want to, it has to be done, take care of your body my dear Patrick! Much love & sweet thoughts XOXOX
2022-09-25 19:37:57 Oh man I hope it's okay now & it won't happen to often. I have lower back issues from time to time too: it's necessary to stretch, exercise when you can, even if you don't want to, it has to be done, take care of your body my dear Patrick! Much love & sweet thoughts XOXOX

Oh man I hope it's okay now & it won't happen to often. I have lower back issues from time to time too: it's necessary to stretch, exercise when you can, even if you don't want to, it has to be done, take care of your body my dear Patrick! Much love & sweet thoughts XOXOX


I'm still working at healing. The Physiotherapist and Doctors all tell me that it can take at least a couple of weeks to regain much of my mobility... it's starting to get better, but my back and, believe it or not, my right ankle is still in a lot of pain. I manage it with stretching, exercising, and prescribed painkillers, but I won't lie -- I'm really looking forward to being back to my normal self! LOL! En tous cas, you are quite right, mon ami -- we just stretch and exercise as often as possible to keep our bodies from complaining! Doing art is quite difficult on the back and body overall -- I wish someone had warned me about this when I was a kid! HA HA HA! Thanks for the kind words, my friend. Gros bisous a toi!!!! XOXOX 🤗😊😘❤️


Oh my gosh!?!?! If you don’t mind me asking, how are you doing now? Are you feeling any better? That’s really really sucky (to put it mildly). You work yourself raw making all this incredible art for us, and I hope you are able to put just as much effort into healing. It’s been so long… I miss the old days when I had the time to really appreciate all the nuance of each piece and then craft a witty reply. Even though my circumstances have changed, I want you to know that I still rave over everything you’re posting. If you’re not able to do as much for a while I think we’d all more than understand, and love you just the same! Sending you all the love and best wishes, Julian


Thank you so much for the words of encouragement and comfort, dear JT! It's all greatly appreciated. Also, please know that I completely understand that everyone's "real life" takes precedence and I don't hold it against anyone when they can't always comment as much as they would like to. I am grateful for whatever you have time to write. It makes me so happy to know that you're still enjoying my work even though you can't be "as present" as you once were. I truly wish you (and everyone else here} well in life and in everything you do and go through. As for myself, I'm hanging in there. Healing from this type of injury is a very slow process, but I'm doing everything in my power to get better/ I'm following my Physiotherapist's instructions to the letter and taking many breaks while I work, just to move and rest my body. I'll get back on my feet at some point, I just need to be patient! LOL! That's a toughie for me, though... patience isn't something I have ample quantities of, not for this type of thing... but I'm working on it. Anyhow, thank you again for all the love and support. It's HUGELY appreciated. Tons of love right back at you!! XOXOXOX 💖🤗💖😘💖😊