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Hello, my beautiful Patrons!

Tis the Season! SO MANY of you lovely people contacted me, asking for this particular illustration of KRAMPUS to be turned into a HOMOCLIX figure! Since I love to make you all as happy as I possibly can, I refined him a little and, VOILA!

But be careful what you ask for! KRAMPUS is figure #50, and he is the first BOSS-LEVEL figure... making him an 8-STAR FIGURE!!!! 

Better hope this dude ends up on your team, 'cause otherwise, there may be tough times ahead! LOL! XD 

 His colors are up next, so stick around!

LINES: Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

KRAMPUS is © Copyright & ™ 2021 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Oh, excellennnnnt! XXXmas comes early! So to speak