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Here, for your ease of access and reading pleasure, are all 8 pages of my "DEIMOS: UNINVITED!" mini-comic, lettered and in order, in one neat and tidy little post! 

This classic story was originally published in 2016 and is still available in the DEIMOS: TALES OF THE TARO DEMON #2 Digital Edition.  

Please note, this comic is NOT PART of the NOVEMBER 2021 REWARDS! It's meant only to be enjoyed here on my Patreon Feed.

Enjoy! XD

STORY/ LETTERS/ LINES: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

All characters are © Copyright & 2013 / 2020 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Ezra Lymph

I MISS BILLY!!!! Was he always in that costume or did you update this?? He looks HAWT!!!!!!!!

David U

This is awesome!

Valentin Erkers

I love this story. It's full of action and excitements and super mega ultra sexy hunks 🥰😍❤ Thanks for putting all these pages in a convenient place for me to find and more easily wank to 🤗🥰❤

Andrew Brown

Effigy’s nipple piercings are unreal!


LOOK at how his shaft & testies breaks through the water 🥵🤤🥵🤤 Or at his pucker, perfectly framed by a bubble butt of the gods… How Zahn mounts him… How they mate… (their couplings have always been so intensely 🥵🔥HOT🔥🥵 {like them in the rain 🤯🤯🥵🤯🤯}) His utter despair as he comes to; he’s so clearly wracked with such intense, unidentifiable loss (which also happens to be an incredibly flattering pose) Now on to business… How on earth did you come up with that ring?!? 😱😈😝 p.s. I can’t wait to see what’s in store Mr. 10 Steps Ahead (that talisman, ‘prep the transference’, etc… 🥰🤩🥳


Where is Billy currently?

Thomas Polk

Yes, where IS Billy? And don't go all 'Phantom of the Opera on us...(Inside my mind).


Hi, Ezra. Yeah, I gotta draw Billy again. Revisiting this comic made me realize I miss him a lot, too. I'm so happy you find he looks so HAWT here! LOL! XD Yes, this was an updated look for the comic. He's only ever appeared like this in this story... but I'll have to remedy that very soon! SMOOCHES to ya! XOXOX 😍🤗❤️


Awwww, you're very welcome, my dear Valentin. And thank YOU for the super sweet words, as well. I'm so happy you enjoyed revisiting this story with me! Lots of love to you! XOXOX 💖😍🤗


Heh! Heh! Heh! I have to say, looking at them again, now, I'm not sure how practical that would be. I mean, one wrong move could be DISASTROUS!!! LOL! SMOOCHES to you, my dear Andrew! XOXOX 😅😍😘🤗


Well, thank you so much, my dear JT! I love how you enjoyed the story and all the details that stood out to you! There's nothing I love more than glorifying Deimos' beautiful bubble butt. I think it's because he's generally perceived as being so manly and tough and like such details aren't usually associated with the typical (and frankly OUTDATED) perceptions of what a "tough man" should be and look like. But, remembering that Deimos IS an incubus demon, I figure he should be built for sex, and that means an ass and hole that FEW could resist! Cock Crimping is a real thing. It's not often seen, but in bondage and S&M play, it pops up every so often. I think there's something very erotic about it. Cocks just aren't meant to bend that way, so to see them all contorted like that... I dunno, emphasizes them somehow. As for the implications of this story... you can count on them manifesting themselves in future episodes of the Brigayde. EVERYTHING in the core Class Comics universe is LINKED! LOL! Thanks again so much for the wonderful comments, JT! SMOOCHES! XOXOX ❤️😘🤗😍😊


A very good question, Musclelover. He's always been a secondary character in the stories, but I do think the time is coming where we would need to see him again! I always love drawing him. In Gay for Slay, Isaiah mentions how Billy helped him get control of his new powers when he returned from Hell! I think a flashback sequence is in order at some point, for sure! LOL! OH, and by the way, thank you for your message about my artwork being stolen. My partner and I are looking into it! I appreciate you letting me know! Lots of love to you! XOXOXOX 🤗❤️😘❤️


Hee Hee! Like I mentioned to Musclelove above, I think it's high time Billy showed up again, soon! We know Isaiah mentions him in Gay for Slay, so maybe a flashback sequence would be cool, especially if it gave us some Billy and Isaiah action... MMmmmmmmm! LOL! SMOOCHES, dear Thomas!! XOXO 😄🤗❤️😍