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Hello, everyone!

I hope you're all doing GREAT and that you're enjoying NOVEMBER 2021 so far!

I'm so excited to start rolling out this month's new art and comics! I think you'll really enjoy what I have planned for you!

You can expect new GAY FOR SLAY #3 comic pages! After taking a small break from the current episode last month, I'm ready to get back to beautiful ISAIAH and continue his latest adventure! XD

The HOMOCLIX SERIES is back this month, 'cause I know you've missed them -- YA TOLD ME! LOL! XD 

I have a great selection of new characters to add to your collection, including an OFTEN-REQUESTED hunk! Also, I'll be debuting a BRAND-NEW CLASS COMICS CHARACTER in this month's line-up, so that's super exciting! 

I'll be taking a break from the DRESS-UP HEROES this month. They are INSANELY work-intensive, and I've done three in a row. PHEW! I figure I've earned a little breather! BUT, the next DRESS-UP HERO will be up to YOU to choose! Expect a poll very shortly! 

There are several other fun surprises coming your way, including a long-overdue pinup I've simply been DYING to roll out, and should time permit, maybe even more "HEROES IN PERIL" mini-comics! 

I'll leave it at that for now, but think it's safe to say that we're gonna have an AWESOME time this month!

Thanks again so much for your continued support and enthusiasm, everyone. You guys are SO AMAZING and deeply appreciated! Enjoy the art...!

Great Big Hugz + Kisses all around!
Patrick XOXOX

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion

ALL CHARACTERS are © Copyright & 2021 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Andrew Brown

I look forward to everything that November will bring!


You're so sweet, dear Andrew! Thank you so much for the very kind continued support and enthusiasm! It's HUGELY appreciated! Much love to ya! XOXO 💗💗💗

Valentin Erkers

November here I CUUUM 😛🥰