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You might remember LORIS the red Sektan Bounty Hunter I created for last year's "DRAKE'S ORDEAL"?  Well, my Patron, CODY requested that I draw him as a LUMINARY REWARD!

I was so happy because a lot of people expressed interest in LORIS back when the DRAKE comic came out, and I never got to return to the character, until now. 

You might feel that LORIS is basically a red version of LOCUS, but trust me, that is NOT the case. I'm cooking up some plans with this sexy bounty hunter... and lemme tell you that the two of them couldn't be more different! You can expect to see LORIS turn up in the pages of some CLASS COMICS titles at some point soon, but in the meantime, I'm very excited about giving you a much better look at this sexy, but not-to-be-trifled-with stud! 

Thanks so much for CODY for this amazing request. I'll be posting him before the end of OCTOBER! STAY TOONED! 

ILLUSTRATION: Patrick Fillion

LORIS is © Copyright & ™ 2019 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 




Battle cometh for green bean sex machines! o.o