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Hello again, Guys... 

So here you have it. The complete color set for DIABLO all decked out for HALLOWEEN in his priest costume! 

For this piece, I decided to continue to play with the color, choosing only a few specific colors -- a set color scheme to employ.

I love doing that around this time of year -- it always gives things a very unique look. It's what I did for JACKO'S HORNY HALLOWEEN TALES back in 2016 and I'm always eager for the opportunity to play this way again. 

You all know how much I love HALLOWEEN, and lemme tell you, I have some spooktacular stuff in store for you all this month! It's gonna be so much fun, it's scary! HA HA HA! 

STAY TOONED, my friends. I'm just getting started! 

ILLUSTRATION: Patrick Fillion

DIABLO & JACKO the HALLOWEENER are © Copyright & ™ 2019 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 




Michael Mendez

These are amazing! I love that Diablo dressed as a priest. It’s subversive...and sexy 😍😍😍


Heh! Heh! Heh! Thanks so much, Micahel. I'm really pleased you enjoyed Diablo's choice of costumes. I felt kinda, I dunno, "wrong" drawing it at first! LOL! But I figured it wouldn't stay on him long, so... 😂😂😂

Corie McLaren

Obviously, I love this.


Are diabo and Bruno going have comic together? Are you going to fuck each other

Thomas Polk

I Love Diablo shaved. Thank you, Patrick!


LOL! Maybe eventually, they will. For now, since I've already featured Diablo in a "Mini Hook-Up" episode, I'm going to focus on other characters... but as I said, I like the idea a lot. It certainly is a possibility! ❤️❤️


And I love that you love him shaved, dear Thomas! Didja notice that even when the rest of him is hairy, Diablo shaved his pubes juuuuuuust for you? LOL! 😋❤️

Thomas Polk

Yes, that was so sweet and sexy of it. It confused me a bit at first my excitement was so great!