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Good morning, Guys...


And you know what THAT means!  HALLOWEEN!!!!  Let's get this party started, then, shall we? 

And speaking of parties... Poor DIABLO, all decked out in his snazzy new priest costume, was on his way to the BRIGAYDE's Halloween bash when suddenly he was grabbed by a gaggle of evil spirit hands.

Rising from a strange pool of golden energy, they tugged, they tore and eventually, they shredded his costume! 

DIABLO struggled to break free of their grasp. Strong though he was, these things were stronger, and insanely tenacious.

He jerked and groaned against their insistent fingers. His cock jounced as he tried to liberate himself. Looking down, he gulped, realizing that the hands were climbing his muscular things, working their way toward his stiffening manhood. 

In a sudden burst of strength, the hands toppled the hero to the cold ground. DIABLO fell backwards, landing on his back. The ghostly appendages continued their assault, groping his hard flesh.

Soon, they reached their prize! 

DIABLO grunted as the specters grabbed at his full balls, squeezing and tugging, as if assessing how much jizz the heavy orbs housed.

Soon, hungry digits of the damned wrapped themselves around his now completely rigid shaft. The fingers weren't exactly gentle, and they stroked his meat with purpose and intent. They weren't interested in foreplay... nope. They aimed to make him cum. 

Additional arms rose from the bizarre mystical glow. They restrained his arms and held him quite completely. He was virtually helpless and whatever came next, DIABLO knew that Halloween sorcery was at work. Against such a thing, he doubted there was anything he could do to resist. 

Laughter washed over him from the side-lines... gravelly and horse. DIABLO, now covered in sweat, turned to see JACKO the HALLOWEENER. The outlandish creature was beginning to emerge from the spirit realm, a translucent apparition preparing to haunt another Halloween night on Earth. 

"Sit back and relax, stud!" cackled JACKO. "Your spooge is the last ingredient I need for the crossing spell. Soon, I'll be made flesh again. Then, the real fun will begin, buttercup! BAH! HA! HA! HA!" 


Colors are up next, my friends. Stick around! 

ILLUSTRATION: Patrick Fillion

DIABLO & JACKO the HALLOWEENER are © Copyright & ™ 2019 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 



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