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Good evening, Guys...

Last time I posted a new page from this comic was back in June. I promised you then that LOCUS and BEEDAL would be "rescued" by an "unlikely savior". You can't get more UNLIKELY that freakin' DR. PUPAE! 

If you think this is bad, just wait until you find out what happens on the up-coming page 21. That's be up before the end of August. 

Meanwhile, in case you missed the previous pages, here are some links for ya! 

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PAGE 11 

PAGE 12 

PAGE 13 

PAGE 14 

PAGE 15 

PAGE 16 

PAGE 17 

PAGE 18 

PAGE 19 

LINES: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

LOCUS, BEEDAL and all other characters are © Copyright &2018, Patrick Fillion /Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 




Haha, again it's like you're reading my mind! I mentioned that I wondered if Sektan Prime had changed it's laws but looks like not! I hope Pupae* doesn't hurt that sexy darker sektan or my numbero 1 and 2 favorite sektans; Beedal and the sexy spotted-beard Sevall!


Heh! Heh! Heh! Yeah, Pupae will use any old excuse to round up hot guys for his "tests" and "experiments"... but he has a particular interest in Locus and Beedal. All will be revealed in the next page, which coincidentally will be the last Locus/Beedal page for LOve Lost #2. Since the book is only 24 pages, the last 3 belong to Cam and Puma... but trust me when I say, these last 4 pages are really gonna pack a wallop story-wise! XD


PATRICK! 💖. . . 💖 Artwork after artwork or comic after comic! 😊They are all a masterpiece! 💖You always suprise me with what you make and put out there! Everything you do is just wicked and ofc when you and Cabrera work together, ik the colouring on the comic or artwork is to die for to, haha! 😊But also when you do solo colouring to is to die for, but you guys are a perfect artist team for sure! ♡ . ♡ Gad the details in this are to die for litterally. 💖 Every person have their own unique look and ur not making it easy for you haha! 😂Like the spots on them all are different and that must take hours on hours! 😊I never understand how u do it, but i can’t tnx u enough for doing it! 😍 Just like with the gargoyles every1 looks different! And i 💖 that, so much! You take ur time designing so many cc even though they are not the OC, OC family! 😊It’s just so amazing, Patrick! 💖 The colouring and shading as always really are wicked! 😍It highlights the CC so much, and also gives an amazing feel to the comic! 💖Each pannel has a unique background which i love so, so much! Cabrera never stops to amuse me with his colouring! 💖😊Like Locus pucker, looks so real! Tnx for you’re hard, hard work Cabrera! 💖 And the story! 😊Omg i 💖 the story, haha! BUT now i feel i write to much, haha! You are to busy to have to read all my long comments all the time! 😂 PS: Also, Patrick! 😍I uhh think you gave me a new fetish AGAIN! 😂 It’s not something new, new but you made me enjoy seeing it for real now haha! 😂The magical: Foot fetish! 🤤I have used it once before in a comm, but now i just want more of it! 💖 Cause just look at Locus feets at the last frame! 🤤They are so well drawned and just looks amazing! 🤤Idk i just 💖 em! Well you did it again! 😂 Well i do wonder what new fetish will come next! 😂 Please give me more fetishes, HAHA! 😊I remember my younger days when you just gave me the armpit fetish! 😂Yeye…💖


HUUUUGE thank you for all the very sweet words and kind compliments, dear Zayd! And I love love LOVE that I've helped to awaken a new fetish in you! THE ALL-SO SEXY FOOT FETISH! LOL! For me it was an acquired taste as well, but fun fact, I love them now. I also prefer to draw feet over hands for example. They are so sensual and somehow seeing a sexy guy's bare feet illustrated his nakedness SOOOOOO MUCH in my eyes. I find it very exciting. All that to say that I am so pleased you're enjoying these pages of LOVE LOST 2 and the content of the stories as well as the art Thank you again so much for all the kind words and compliments!! XOXO 😊❤️😊❤️