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Hello, Guys! 

Here's Page 11 - the FINAL page of my new KING DEIMOS comic! 

Admittedly, I'm ending this little story on something of a "cliffhanger/not cliffhanger"... essentially, I'm leaving the fate of my TARO DEMON up to your imagination. 

Some of you will ask if we've seen the last of these Gargoyles. Odds are, we'll see them pop up again at some point down the road, but for now, you gotta wonder... was this all just a dream, or did any of it actually happen? 

Well, one thing's for sure, that CUMSHOT sure happened! We can always be SURE of THAT! LOL! XD 

It's been a ton of fun working on this comic. I'll post all the shaved versions of the last few pages in the next few days to cum. Meanwhile, I still have a TON of goodies in store for you, so STAY TOONED! 

Oh, and in case you missed it, here's PAGE 10 --> 

LINES: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Hernan Cabrera and Patrick Fillion

DEIMOS and all other characters are © Copyright and 2018, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Michael Mendez

I love this last page. Just when he’s on the edge of sleep the hands come out to play. It’s both sexy and creepy at the same time.


YAY!!!! Thank you so much, Michael! I'm SOOOOOO GLAD to hear that. You've made my night, my friend... It feels so great knowing I ended the story on a winning note! Much love to ya! XOXO :D :D <3 <3


It might of been a dream considering after the treatment that bootyhole got, that it isn't left gaping and gasping for air lol!


YEEES, Patrick! 😭💖*Opens champagne* I knew it, i called it so hard! >///< I’m so sorry Deimos, but omg the gargoyles are coming back for you! 💖😭And i can’t wait for it, mwehehe! 😏The golden rings will maybe return to, yush!💖 Maybe there will be a chapter 2 in the future, Patrick hehe? 😉💖 This page is an outstanding cliffhanger, and it really makes what you wanted to happen. 😄We can make our own thoughts about what is gonna happen to Deimos right now! 💖And thath’s so fun to do as well! 😄Maybe my crazy though are gonna be: Deimos smushed into the gargoyles pits? 💖🤤But then again would that even work? 😂Ahh… well? 😂 I 💖 that the ending of this for now was kinda a solo image! 😄No other frames etc. Whick makes this cliffhanger even better! 😄I 💖 that he’s slowly falling to sleep with the arms from the shadow lurking around the room! 😏It gives u that horror movie cliche feeling, just that in this case it’s gonna be so hawt to watch! 😏Meheh! 💖 . 💖 I can’t wait to see what Deimos will endure in the future, thath’s for sure! 💖I’m sure if it’s a continuation for this comic or not i know i will get the chance to see more of his delicious pits! 💖🤤And him in every situation possibble, hehe! 😏Deimos aka lord sugarcake, graced with delicious pits! 🤤 ALSO Cabrera did an amazing work on the colouring and shading on this.😄 I know i say that a lot, but it’s always true! 💖Thath’s for sure, haha! The blue colouring he did on the bed with the shaded black to it makes a normal boring looking bed pop out really well! 😄The background colours with the yellow light coming from the lamps give that warmess to the image as well! 💖But still have that scary hint to it with the black shadows etc! A gorgous colouring, Cabrera! 💖😉 Tnx u guys, for making this comic! 😄Lots of hugs!💖


W O W ! What a finale! Fabulous & wet, indeed XD


Hello, my dear Zayd! I love how much you enjoyed the story, and I love that you "foresaw" the ending! LOL! You sure got to sneak several peaks at Deimos' pits in this story -- I was hoping you'd enjoy that aspect! HA HA HA!!! And you're right -- you can certainly let your imagination run wild imagining what comes next for Lord Sugarcakes! I'd like to think that that's what all good comic stories permit us to do! Thank you again sooooooo much for the lovely words and enthusiastic compliments. It's all greatly appreciated! XOXO :D :D


Awwww -- thank you so much, my dear friend. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! Encore merci!! XOXOX :D :D