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Hello, my friends...

Here ya go! "KING DEIMOS" PAGE 8 in full color!

This is the last page from this story that I'll post in July, because it's pinup and request time now, but don't you worry -- LORD SUGARCAKES will be back in August (and you'll be seeing more of him outside of this story this month, too!).  

In any case, I'm rather pleased with this page and that top panel REALLY tickles my fancy! 

Careful, Gargo. You break it, you bought it! I dunno that Taro Demons bend that way! LOL! 

The lettered version is up next, and I'll share the shaved versions in the days to come. Enjoy, my friends. And thanks again for all the awesome comments! 

And in case you missed it, here's a link for PAGE 7 -->   

LINES: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera and Fillion

DEIMOS and all other characters are © Copyright and 2018, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 




OUCH!! Can he even survive this?! Kuddos for the fantastic face expressions here!


Yeah, I was telling David Cantero, it kinda hurt my heart to draw him in so much agony, here, but it had to be done. LOL! I'm a cruel master, I know! BAH HA HA HA!!! Glad you like how it all turned out, mon ami! Gros Bisous! XOXO 😊❤️


Well I won't blame you, I do like to torture my heroes too, but not in such physical way, more emotionally LOL The page is really impressive, just like the sex ;-)