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Hello, my friends! 

Hope you're all doing well! The inks for WARREN and his nasty SHARKMAN friend are done. Colors coming up next! Like, in 2 minutes! HA HA HA! XD 

WARREN and the SHARKMAN are © Copyright and TM 2017, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 





It looks less like he's in peril, and more like he's in pleasure. Kinna wish I was warren haha. Amazing as always.


Thank you so much, Darius! When you check out the text accompanying the colored version, you'll realize just how right you are! LOL! He's in peril, but also in total ecstasy! 😛 😛


Nice black shadows, really plays well here, bravo !

Thomas Polk

VERY sexy, Patrick. Your imagination scares me and your prose...well, we won't say what that does!


Aww, thank you, dear Thomas! That means the world to me. I love that you also enjoy my writing. I like to add a little "narrative" to as many pieces as I can. I love the thought that it might "enhance" your overall experience! LOL! XOXO