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ME: Well, hi there, Cam! 

CAM: Oh, hey! 

ME: You doin' okay, buddy? You seem a little down.

CAM: I'm alright. I just kinda miss Locus, you know. 

ME: Sure, I get it. Maybe I can cheer you up a little. 

CAM: Oh yeah? How? 

ME: Lemme just... one sec... I'm just gonna grab your ankles and spread your legs apart a little bit more, okay? 

CAM: Uhm... okay... sure, I guess. 

ME: That's a good kitty! There we go. Man, you have a really nice ass. 

CAM: Thanks... but how's this supposed to cheer me up?

ME: Lemme just reach under you and... 

CAM: Unhhh...

ME: HOOO, YEAH -- there it is, that beautiful uncut dick of yours. God, you're a big boy!  Mmmm...! Don't mind me, I'm just gonna stretch that monster out behind you. WOW, if that's not a beautiful sight! 

CAM: Feels nice... 

ME: Yeah, you like it?

CAM: Uh-Huh!

ME: Well, hang on, tomcat... I have a little something more for you. This should make you feel a little better. Heh Heh Heh! 


Hi Guys... So here's the finished Cam, as promised. Now, I would normally make this version available starting at the GUARDIAN TIER, but I figured I'd start it off at the CHAMP level as my way of saying an extra special thank you to everyone for their continued support.  More versions are coming up... so stay toned. XOXO

LINES: Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

CAMILI-CAT is Copyright and TM 2015 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 



Michael Mendez

First Savage Dragon and now Cam?! You sure do get around 😜😜😜


LOL! Ain't that the truth? HA HA HA! Unless of course, you read "ME" as in "YOU"! The story can be made more personal to the reader that way, I suppose! XD But, uhm, yeah... I would DEFINITELY give the Dragon and Cam the time of day!

Tom Cray

I loooove it!!! So sexy and colorful! Just a question,maybe it's because English isn't my first language, you called him Tomcat, why is that? Is that a usual name for cats in the US? Hahaha


Thanks so much, dear Tom. I'm so happy you like how he turned out. Yeah, "tomcat" is a term used to describe a male cat. I have a ton of play names I use for Cam, but I've always liked that one in particular -- it's quite sexy to me! :D

Star Angel

That made me really wants to fuck his hole raw & fill up with loads of my cum!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Michael Colford

Oh, the colors just make want to feel the silky-smooth fur that must be covering his entire body... except his engorged boner and balls, of course. That's a really sensual and sexual picture. You really draw the hottest scrotums and balls. Haha!




Admiring the colors, I just realized how detailled are the sheets! I'm not going that far drawing them, I love how... deep you go with your artwork :-D


Hi, Michael -- thank you so much! I absolutely LOVE reading your comments! I wanna thank you for the super kind compliments --I'm really so pleased you like my artistic approach, and I'm thrilled you enjoyed this illustration so much!! XOXO😘😘😘


Thanks, my friend! I love to draw things like bed sheets -- I just am not always happy with how the wrinkling of the fabric works out, but for the most part in this one, I don't mind it too much! LOL! Glad you like it! Merci encore!! 😃