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The Inks on Cam have begun. Don't worry, kitty gets his stripes as I go. I also create the background wall details in Photoshop once the character and bedding lines are done. Additionally I ditched the Care Bear. He was adorbs but had to go! Byeeee! You'll see why once you see the finished SFW version -- and that's coming up very shortly. :D XOXO

Camili-Cat is Copyright and TM 2017, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved. 



Abe Libertas

You work so fast, Pat! Go! Go! Go!!


The crazy thing is the entire image set is already done! I just have to pace these the frequency I post these things to keep us all entertained! LOL! XD The colours will be posted very soon. :D Oh yeah, just to let you know, never "Pat", always "Patrick" please! HA HA HA! No harm done -- I just never liked the short form of my name!! Cheers, PuddingJam!! XOXO



Tom Cray

I'm always down for some more Cam! love it as always Patrick!

Michael Colford

My, that is a particularly inviting shot of Cam... His ass is so perfectly shaped, and the sight of a big, rigid hard-on being pushed down between a hot guys legs is always a beautiful sight.


Haha, That innocent look, whereas showing off all the goods this way!! Excccellent! XD


I hope he's gonna get something enormous in that ass and in that cock very soon 😏

Captain Saltyhinder

Hang on – there's going to be a safe for work version of Cam's ass? You might cover him up, but there's no way to make that pose innocuous 😉


So happy you like it, mon ami. I do try to make Cam look super innocent, even when he's posing like a big slut! HA HA HA!


OMG -- TYCHO -- I LOVED your comment! BAH HA HA HA!!! You had me howling with this! You are so right!! No amount of trying to cover up that big, glorious bubble butt will make him seem any less of a big HO! LOL! I think that "SFW" is more about not showing any naughty bits than it is convincing people that Cam and his pals are "wholesome"! Especially in this image, because you are so right -- this pose is far from INNOCUOUS! XD XD


HEH HEH HEH!!!! Oh, Memo, Darling... Something enormous this way cums!! You don't think I'd pose him in such a vulnerable way and pass up the opportunity to insert things into all of his holes, do you? HA HA HA!!!! XD


Awww -- thank you so much for the very kind words, Michael. I'm so pleased you like this sketch. Honestly, I just love posing guys in this way. I find it so sensual and sexy, and kind of innocent and disarming at the same time. It's a real turn on, and I'm thrilled you like how this one is turning out too! XOXO :D


Awww -- thank you so much, dear Tom. I love that you like Cam so much! I think you'll enjoy this one when it's all colored up, too!! XOXO :D


Damn... SInce the first previews of Love Lost are known to those that have seen your last official previews of the comic, it`s really nice to see Cam in a brand new picture. And WHAT a Picture it is! Even though all of his body is sexy, his butt really stands out! It`s not too big, not too small, and the way he shows it to th camera is mouth watering. Love it! Also, since you said there`s gonna be an Alien dude that takes care of Cam`s needs. I always wondered if you`ll reuse that sexy red muscled Krebirzan dude from the "Locus and the law" Mini Comic you created. I`m sure he won`t appear in this one, but it would be a nice character for future illustrations, since it would be really great to see a red alien dude from you again, even though you do a lot of red demons, which I love <3 So thanks for the wonderful work and keep it up!


Thank you so much, Arkid43! I greatly appreciate your kind words and I'm beyond thrilled that you enjoyed this new Cam illustration! I was particularly pleased with how his butt turned out, and so I;m really glad to read that you feel it's right on point too!! 😃 Also, I love that you remember the Krebirzan fella from "the Law"! Hmmmm... I'll see about drawing him in an illustration with Locus at some point. Since we never did see them together in the comic, this would be a fun and sexy "what if" scenario to explore here!! 😛Thanks again so much for the wonderful comment. I loved reading it so much!! Have a wonderful day and I hope you continue to enjoy the new art!! XOXO 😘😘