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Good evening, Guys!

My Prince of the Deep is now in full color. Wouldn't mind fishing this hottie outta the sea! XD He's soft now, but wait until you see him completely hard! Who knew fish were so well hung! HA HA HA! 

In the end, I'm planning 4 versions: SFW (no penis, just tail!), Soft cock (this one right here!), Hard cock and In Peril as part of the MAY 2017 rewards. 

Available to my Patrons at the end of the month. 

LINES: Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera / Fillion



Corie McLaren

I'd love to be "part of his world"!!!


HE'S A REDHEAD! YESS! :D I love uncut redheads!

Michael Mendez

Very nice...I love redheads too.

David Cantero

He's GORGEOUS, my dear Patrick!!! BRAVO!!! XXX


Very great colour contrast HOT Vs. COLD indeed!


Sooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious! Wondering if you add a crown in future pics of him!


I love redheads so much too! LOL! I guess that's why a lot of my guys end up as pretty ginger hunks!! :D


Thank you so much, my friend. I really wanted him to pop... I'm glad you like the "hot and cold" feel of this one!! :D


Oooooh, Merci, mon beau David! I'm so pleased you think so! SMOOCHES, mon cher ami!! XOOX


HA HA HA! Thanks so much, Sqweloookle! I'm thrilled you like how he turned out. XOXO No crown for this little Prince, but... uhm... a hook! XD


Awesome, the next disney classic "The Hung Mermaid" ... XD


HA HA HA!!!! I wish -- not unless Disney is suddenly sold to MEN.COM or something!! XD


they buy everything so never say never ;D