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Hi Guys... 

Since you all seemed to enjoy the SPACE CADET: VOID inks I posted earlier, I thought I'd give you another page as another bonus reward. 

Poor Byron -- more Tentacle naughtiness! I've always liked how the tentacles pop his nipple barbells out and slip into the holes! I don't think I've ever seen that done before! XD 

Anyway, I'm working on new stuff, and I'm super excited about sharing it with you! The May 2017 rewards are almost complete. :D Cheers!! XOXO



Michael Mendez

Are we going to see more of Void in the future?

Thomas Polk

Your imagination, dear Patrick, is scarily fabulous! Like Dr. Frankenfurter in Rocky Horror, I tremble to imagine what more you have in store for us!!!


Yeah! Tentacle monsters are always fun. Show us more of that!)


The black and white manga look is quickly growing on me. I love how in this particular page the musculature stands out more. So beautiful. I guess by removing the colors one has less distractions and focuses more on other details.


I'm so glad you're enjoying the tentacle stuff... It's some of my fave to draw too. I have plans for fresh new a tentacle scene coming up in the next few months for you guys, as well. I'll keep you posted! :D Thanks again!! XD


Awww -- thanks so much, Vernedi. It's funny you know, I work very hard on the inks, but in the end, a lot of the detail ends up under the color. It's nice to see it again in its original form in these pages, and I'm thrilled you're enjoying it too! I think you're right -- taking the color away brings up the ink detail in a nice new way. :D


MWAH HA HA HA!!!!!! XD Thank you so much, my dear Thomas! You are too kind!! I'm so pleased you enjoy my demented creations! LOL! And don't you worry -- I have some deliciously depraved things in mind for you guys, coming up! ;) Smooches! XOXO


Absolutely, my dear Michael! I'm planning VOID's return in the pages of an up-coming issue of the BRIGAYDE! It's gonna be pretty wild!! :D xoxox

David Cantero

This page is AMAZING, my dear Patrick!!! I LOVE IT!!! XXX


Merci beaucoup, mon cher David. <3 It's one of my favorite pages from the VOID comic and I'm thrilled you like it too! Gros Bisous!! XOXO

Tom Cray

tentacles and space cadet, what could go wrong? ;D I LOVE it!! I saw it in color but thos B&W version is awesome too!! :D I've been thinking into doing some stuff in a similar style too.


Your perspective skills are truly amazing here: love these incredible angles showing how powerless he is (and gorgeous, yep!). SUPERBE !


Oh, stop -- tu vas me faire rougir! HA HA HA! Thank you so much, dear friend. I'm so happy you like how this page turned out. BISOUS!! XOXO


I'm so pleased you like the page like this, Tom! Thanks so much! You should definitely give it a go -- it's a really cool and different way of presenting the art from the finished, colored pages! :D XOXO