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CHAPTER 122: https://soundlesswind21.com/reaper-of-the-drifting-moon-chapter-122/

CHAPTER 123: https://soundlesswind21.com/reaper-of-the-drifting-moon-chapter-123/

CHAPTER 124: https://soundlesswind21.com/reaper-of-the-drifting-moon-chapter-124/

GOOGLE DRIVE: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jh4I8GOXC7fyoBs3f_3mHUsxjuqfIUEF?usp=sharing

WEBSITE: https://soundlesswind21.com


  • You can now access and read the chapters again in the website linked above~ Feel free to share your comments there instead of here :D
  • If anyone wants access to the Google Drive, don't forget to input your Patreon name in the message.



yay happy drug acquired


wow so speechless on last few paragraphs... it's really like the exact opposite of MC...


When the showdown finally comes. Eye to eye, Pyo-wol vs Heukam.


I like this new story development with such a contest to pyo wol. I am rooting for them to be bff


So it seems the Heavenly Hall will try to befriend Pyo Wol, tho it'll probably be a in a Tsun way. As for the 9 Dragons, I wonder if they are Pyo-Wol's cave fellows.


Well... thats new... he's got an unofficial friend, that is if he didn't die in some way. 🤷🏻‍♂️ still why does it seems they're on the same level. Its hard to think about that because MC is certainly under saint level, since he fought one.