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Hello everyone, here's the chapter schedule releases for different tiers ♡

The chapters on the table are the latest chapter you're expected to access depending on your selected tier and date.

This table also shows that in the beginning, there's only a small gap between the different tiers. But as time goes on, the gap widens considerably. 

This also serves to reassure, especially for those who opted for a higher tier, that you'd be able to get your money's worth since along the way, you would be many chapters ahead of the lower tiers \(^ヮ^)/. 

If there are any questions about the benefits or if there's something wrong with my math (or schedule) let me know~ 

Thank you again for your support ♡

TLDR: It might not seem like it at the start, but the benefits of choosing a higher tier will be more pronounced as time goes on. :D




I Found you through scouring forum posts asking about the series. Your work is unbelievably, undeniably appreciated, and you being so dedicated and committed to continuing translations for this series will never go unacknowledged as long as i’m subbed. I’m already an inner disciple, but seeing how much you’ve thought this out has got me wanting to sub to core disciple next paycheck! Keep it up, you rock!


Aww thank you so much!! 🥺🫶🏻 this is my first time translating/editing an LN (+ making a website and everything) so i’m really happy with all the support & validation I’m getting 🥰 thank you so much again! 🤩


Charging that much for the latest 3 chapters is insane. Theres no other benefits as well. Would be appreciated if you readjust your prices


I have to disagree, 3 chapters a day delivered consistently is absolutely worth the cost. Getting that much translated for just $20 is really a steal.


Thanks for the service ! I hope u translate other novels aswell : D


Hard agree with V. It's the quantity of chapters per day that makes it a good deal. Wuxiaworld for example has a series that you pay $80 per month for 32 advanced chapters. Which once you're caught up to the latest chapters you're back to one a day. This is a bargain in comparison. This is of course coming from the privileged position of someone who can afford to pay the full tier membership.


I think its fair charges. it's not like we're reading Machine translations.


Thank you for the chapters, this was the only website that i could find good translations of the novel.


Actually really good translations. Ill be sticking inner for a while and go core later