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Saw a post on the ender3 subreddit of someone printing an ornament with a single line contact edge, looked insane and thought it was worth the challenge of trying it myself just for fun and a good trial for the SaturnOrbiter.

A 20mm cube on it's edge was surprisingly easy, and worked the first time. but upping the stakes, bigger print and smaller contact point.

I reduced the contact point to 2mm, lost adhesion, 4mm, lost adhesion, and finally 6mm and it stuck after a few tries and playing with slicer settings it's now repeatable.

This was printed on a textured PEI sheet, with the SaturnOrbiter and fans at 60% and Rapido hotend.

0.4mm nozzle & 0.24 layer height in vase mode. 

60C bed, 210C hotend

first layer was 0.2mm, 20mm/s & 750mm2/s, fans off

then 20mm/s, 2000mm2/s acceleration, fan 60%, and after 10~20 layer was still seemingly stable so I raised the speed manually in klipper to 200% so 40mm/s and set acceleration to 3300mm2/s (which is what I consider my safe maximum on my machine)

Instead of modifying speed in prints settings, I used the cooling settings under filament settings tab in superslicer to override the speed. I set the layer time goal to 10seconds, max speed reduction to 90%, min print speed to 20mm/s

If you want to try it yourself I attached the model I made.
