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Si no leíste la historia en dónde aparece Kevin, a continuación te dejo el episodio anterior para que pueda entender.
Capitulo anterior:

||Khery → Capitulo: 1 ||

[Anteriormente Khery había salido y Kevin se preocupó porque ya se a demorado mucho, pero Kevin se encontró con Lis la cual ella lo detuvo, pero al parecer mientras Kevin intentaba escapar, Khery los encontró en una situación algo incómodo para ella.]

Kevin: * nervioso*
Creo que..

Khery: Kevin!!

Kevin: Khery..!!
Te eh estado buscando por un largo tiempo, en dónde estabas..

Lis: Hey!!
Esta es tu amiga!?

Khery: Ehh..
*Nerviosa *
Estaba buscando algo, realmente es una sorpresa y no puedo decirte..

Lis: * se ríe * jajaja

Kevin: Una sorpresa?!

Lis: Jajaja!

Khery: * irritada * Oye!! Y tú por que te ríes?

Lis: No lo vez pequeña gatita?!..
Ni a Kevin le interesa tu pequeña e insignificante sorpresita que le tengas..!

Kevin:* sorprendido * Que!!

Lis: No vengas a quitarle su tiempo.., que el me contó que solo le das lastima..
* Sonríe y observa a Khery*
Y ya veo porque le das lastima..

Khery: Pero que tanto estas diciendo..?!!
* Un poco triste *
Eso es cierto Kevin!!

Kevin: * sorprendido*
Yo no..

Lis: Pero claro que si..
Creeme.., yo conozco a Kevin desde hace tiempo y se cuándo algo le da lastima...
Una linda y pequeña cosita!!!.

Kevin: Hey!!

Lis: * abraza mas fuerte a Kevin*
Ahora si no te importa, estamos algo ocupados..
Porque no te vas a continuar con tu sorpresa miserable..!!

Khery: * enojada y llorando *
Entonces eso es lo piensas se mi!!!
Tu eres un..!!
Y pensar que te creí..
* Llora descontroladamente y sale corriendo *

Kevin: * gritando* KHERY!!!

Lis: deja que se vaya!!

Khery: * se aleja de Kevin y Lis rápidamente *




If you haven't read the story where Kevin appears, here's the previous episode so you can understand.
Previous chapter:
||Khery → Chapter: 1 ||

[Previously Khery had left and Kevin was worried because it has already taken a long time, but Kevin met Lis who stopped him, but apparently while Kevin was trying to escape, Khery found them in a somewhat awkward situation for her.]

Kevin: *nervous*
I believe that..

Khery: Kevin!!

Kevin: Khery..!!
I've been looking for you for a long time, where were you...
Lisa: Hey!!
This is your friend!?

Khery: Ehh..
*Nervous *
I was looking for something, it really is a surprise and I can't tell you..

Lis: *laughs* lol

Kevin: A surprise?!

Lis: Hahaha!

Khery: *irritated* Hey!! And why are you laughing?

Lis: Don't you see little kitty?!..
Not even Kevin is interested in your little and insignificant surprise that you have for him ..!

Kevin: * surprised * What!

Lis: Don't come to take away his time..., he told me that you only pity him...
*Smiles and looks at Khery*
And I see why you pity him.

Khery: But what are you saying so much...?!!
* A little sad *
That's right Kevin!!

Kevin: *surprised*
I do not..

Lis: But of course yes..
Believe me... I've known Kevin for a long time and I know when something hurts him...
A cute little thing!!!

Kevin: Hey!

Lis: *hugs Kevin tighter*
Now if you don't mind, we're kind of busy.
Because you are not going to continue with your miserable surprise..!!

Khery: * angry and crying*
So that's what you think be my!!!
You are a..!!
And to think that I believed you
* cries uncontrollably and runs away *

Kevin: *screaming* KHERY!!!

Lis: let him go!!

Khery: * walks away from Kevin and Lis quickly *




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