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- Narración: En unos momentos antes, Flor estaba triste y escondida en los arbustos, cuando alguien la encontró y le pregunto si le podía ayudar en algo, pero Flor rechazo su apoyo y salio inmediatamente corriendo de ese lugar...

- Flor: Ya déjame en paz!!!
No quiero...!!
- Flor: No quiero volver a repetir mis acciones!!
*Comienza a llorar*
Por qué lo hice, yo nunca lastimaria a mi amigo!!
No entiendo.., no puede estar pasando.. que tipo de mounstro soy!!
* Feliz *
Jajaja.. .
Talvez es lo mejor.., es probable que ese tipo no era mi amigo y me iba a traicionar!
- Flor: Es mejor que yo hubiera actuado primero..
Por qué estoy diciendo eso?!
* Desesperada, agarra su cabeza *
Tengo que controlarme...
Tengo que controlarme...
Tengo que controlarme...!!




- Narration: In a few moments before, Flor was sad and hiding in the bushes, when someone found her and asked her if she could help her with something, but Flor rejected his support and immediately ran out of that place ...

- Flor: Leave me alone !!!
I do not want...!!
- Flor: I don't want to repeat my actions again !!
* Starts to cry *
Why did I do it, I would never hurt my friend !!
I don't understand .. it can't be happening .. what kind of monster I am !!
* Happy *
Jajaja.. .
Maybe it's for the best .., it is likely that this guy was not my friend and he was going to betray me!
- Flor: It's better that I had acted first.
Why am I saying that ?!
* Desperate, grabs his head *
I have to control myself ...
I have to control myself ...
I have to control myself ... !!




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