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(This topic was observed by myself. No proven evidence yet)

For a while, I watched and read many speed reading techniques from youtube and libraries. And I also have a chance to read many Engineer, Laws and History books for an exam. Both local and English language. I noticed something while reading.

  1. While reading or watching in the local language, I can pick up the concept more easily than in Foreign language.
  2. If I don’t know what the main topic is, it’s hard to do a speed reading…I have to re read so many times
  3. If it’s a topic I’m not familiar with before, I have to read slowly.
  4. and even when I’m trying to use all speed reading techniques such as, grouping, finger leading, skimming, etc… it can lead to “News reporter” reading style… I can read everything correctly but no knowledge I get from that phrase.

That leads to my conclusion…

Speed reading might not work the same in every situation…but why?

As my assumptions,

Speed reading is not about how fast you can read, but there's all about how fast you can encoding the knowledge

and what is “encoding the knowledge”?

In my definition, it’s the inner stage of your brain to understand or comprehend knowledge. You can understand the concept, remember the details and be able to use it in the future.

But this stage is too abstract to describe. I’m not surprised why no one can teach “how to access this stage” to others.

As for me, I can tell you what I experience while I understand what I read.

  1. I believe that every new knowledge we learn comes from prior knowledge. Even if it's nothing related to the current topic. For example, if I read the phrase “AI training used stacks of data”, I imagine the protagonist from the movie “I robot” is reading a book And a wall of books in the background. Nothing related to the topic, but it can give you an atmosphere.
  2. While I read, I saw a flash picture…a millisecond long slideshow flashing in front of me. according to the word I’m reading…with nothing related to the topic. For example, I read the word “Geopolitics” but in my head, the picture of a mountain with a goat appears instead.
  3. I read the phrase and when I start a new phase, the old phase still echoes in my head…it also happens when I listen to a podcast. It’s like a delayed effect. sometimes it’s 10 seconds delayed…but if that phase is the overview of the topic, it helps me understand the details better.
  4. and the last one is, sometimes, I am able to create a very short phrase about the topic I read. Just like 1 phase per 1 page.

all of these happen within a range of 0.2 seconds and it pops up along with the reading. But sometimes, speed reading, you may read faster than your brain can create any link.

So comes the question

“If you read slow enough to let your imagination process the information. Does it help you understand the knowledge better?”

If this is the key, then my assumption is

“The speed of reading depends on how fast you can process the picture, echo the sound or create the phase along in your mind”

If you can't read fast, it’s fine…focusing on what happens inside your brain is better than reading without knowing what it is. Still, this is only my curiosity, there's still no clue it would work this way...


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