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This is what I believe (for now) that this is the most effective way to study anything.

1. Overview : This is the most important thing for me. 

Read the Index very carefully. Take your time to imagine what you will get from the topic.

Because when you can see the boundary of what you want to learn, you'll easily input the information into the right place and also increasing your comprehension.

2. Focus and Encoding study : Study without any distraction (phone, pc etc.) and use as many encoding technique as possible to remember things clearly. (the technique will be talked on other topic)

3. Short rest : If you study for 25 mins, take a 5 mins rest. Do nothing about the subject you learn. Deep relax as many as you can. It doesn't need to be a 25/5 mins format. You can do 5:1 ,6:1 or else as you like. Just don't forget to take a little break. 

Repeat this for the total time of approx. 90 mins

4. Long Rest : You've studied long enough. It's time to rest and forget everything you learn.

5. Recall : It works best when you almost forget. recall is to test yourself and try to get more link to the information you learnt. Do the hard test or repeat exactly what you've learnt. 

6. Sleep : Sleeping is one of the most underrate tactic. Neuroscience confirm that people get smarter when they sleep. Because neuro-link in your brains can form itself only when you sleep. So, don't forget to sleep well.

Even I know about this, I still can't do it everyday. But I'll try. 

This is only a broad concept of studying. There're so many micro details to know depends on which subject you want study.

If you have more information or any opposite information, feel free to share. I'd love to study it.




Might fall under encoding, but I find the best way to memorize new information is to rephrase it in your own words, like you were explaining it to someone else