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*This is just only a personal belief and does not cover all fields of research. Please read with caution.

I've read so many self-improvement books, business mindset books, watch many YouTube videos and read some research about mindset lately.

From my aspect, 

Mindset is the root of thinking that opens an opportunity to think differently than you used to think. It's the key to opening a new door that leads to a new or better solution than you already have.  It's the backbone of your action and decision-making. And help you maintains your mind in a calm state.

Is it good?

I would say, yes. Very good. With a good mindset, you can live happier, solve the problem easier, in a more calm and elegant way.

Why does it work?

For me, mindset shapes your way of thinking when dealing with problems. It makes you calm. And when your mood is calm, the chemical in your body is in the proper state. it makes you less anxious, less loop-thinking and easily let go of the problems and move on to seek for solution step.


Beware! like I said, "Mindset is the core of thinking. NOT a solution to the problem."

Especially, when you read business literature or sports literature, interviews, etc. that teaches you about a good mindset in doing business, playing, and practicing sport. etc.

Are they lie to you? 

No. But it's just a broad concept of how they set up their mind. You may realize that there are so many regulations, details, Rules, physical and mental adjustments beyond that "mindset" part to make things really happen.

Good mindset + good study = higher chance of success.

Bad mindset + good study = lower chance of success or taking more time than it should. (because some aspects of learning will be cut off your concern, especially, "learning from mistakes", which is the best way of learning)

Bad mindset + bad study = the success won't last long.

You can study mindset by "Finding the intersection" for each book, podcast, video, etc. There's something in common. It's the same gem with a different way of telling.

As I know for now,

A good mindset is what you should have at first. But don't think it's all you have to earn. Every field has its own nature. its own rules. its own dark side. You have to study in every aspect to get what you want. And with a good mindset, your study process will be much happier. 

And more happiness on something leads to more time you want to invest in that thing and automatically get good in that field.




Even this article is also a "broad" concept of mindset. I haven't told you what is the exactly way to get the result. What is actually a "good mindset"? There are so many details I can't explain right now. Because I still don't know. But if I know, I'll write more diary again.


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