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Because most of the problems had been dealt with. I think you guys deserve to know what happened to me during the last 2 weeks.

1. Paypal incident :

Because Paypal in my country will not able to "send or receive money" anymore starting in January. That causes me a huge problem because around 70% of my income comes from commissions via Paypal. (Patreon is 30%). And because most of some platforms I used for streaming, shopping, learning, etc. use only Paypal. I'll lose most of my income and opportunities starting in January if I haven't done anything.

Solution : I'll migrate every commission to Patreon. That's why I set so many tiers and will change the patreon to charge upfront starting in December. And I have other alternatives to replace Paypal. But it's a bit tricky because most of them are not available in my area. I'm looking for a way to open a new bank in other countries or use cryptocurrency as an option.

2. Mental Disorder :

Because I stressed a lot lately and I have had some mental problems before. The problems cause me to over-stress and my body started to shake unstoppable, panic, cry without notice, and be depressed all over the day without something bad happening. It's just like the threshold of the stress gauge was reset to very low. Just a little stress can trigger my body to react. 

Solution : I tried to visit a psychiatrist but the cost is too high and I can't afford that. I called it "Brochure Therapy". After seeing the brochure for the price, "You know Doc, I'm cured. Thank you and so long". Now I'm trying to cure myself by learning how human emotions and the brain works. I try to avoid any uncontrollable situation and try to control myself to reset my threshold back to normal. I'm better now but It would take some time.

3. Jobs and future.

Most of my family income comes from my art income. So losing Paypal means losing 70% of the income too. And because of new tax laws, the situation will be worse for freelancers starting next year. Unless you have to open your own business or change the job which is nearly impossible for anyone who has to set up within these 3 months. It forced me to prepare so many things within a short time. And I can't declare my job clearly that I do NSFW art for living because it's illegal by law in my country as well.

Solution : I put all my effort into the animation contest (deadline is the end of Nov) to find more connections to the animation industry. It might give me a great opportunity to support my art career. Other than that, I enrolled for a Master of Business Data science and a Bachelor of Laws to prepare things for the next 3 years. If things go wrong and I can't do the art for living anymore, I and my family will survive and I can still draw stuff as usual.

4. Allergies and some physical illnesses.

I sneeze all day, Running nose for 14 hours straight, and be like this every day since last week. That's an f''' annoying problem that causes me a headache, and not able to tilt my head down and draw stuff. I guess it's because my nose tissue was damaged and it's so sensitive to anything. 

Solution : I don't have one yet, but I'm thinking about visiting a doctor.

5. Rabbit cares, Car repairing, Computer fixing, Money managing etc.

I don't know why but all of these had happened in the same week. My rabbit can't walk and I brought it to the Vets, The Car is broken and I have to send it to the Mechs, Computer is also broken but I managed to fix it myself. A debit card has malfunctioned and I have to go to the bank. and because my mom and dad weren't home, I and my wife have to take care of everything for the house.

Solution : Just let it be. It's not a big problem but it consumed most of my time.

Conclusion : Because things aren't settled up, I would not show up much until the end of the month. I have to focus on the animation contest and delayed commissions. But for next month, I'll open for the commission again and back to full-time drawing as usual. 

Thank you for understanding and take care.



Glad to hear from you. We are all still rooting for you. Also do not worry, life has it’s rough times but things always get better.

Jesse Nzechukwu

Iam Happy to hear from you . In the Name of our Heavenly father , may all your problems disappear and I still rooting for you , things SHALL get better and stay safe


Take your time art takes time so yeah thanks for your art


Hey it’s no worries that’s understandable take your time things happen


Just another time when life decides to fuck you over. You'll find a way through I'm sure, but good luck on your way through it. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you handle the commission slots once you finish setting it up.


Jesus! That’s so much going on. I hope you are able to get through this and no matter what you have to do we will support where we can!

Julian Hernandez

It's all good! Sometime life decides to throw the bad at you all at once.


I understand you Escape. I just wish that everything will be alright for you in the futiure, many hugs from me to you my friend. ^_^ <3


I'm rooting for you man. Good luck. I wish I could actually be of any help to you, but I'm kind of in a situation myself and I'm not really good with such things.