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(This is only my personal opinions and understanding. Please read with caution or not read it is also fine.)

-"Do more, practice more, repeat more and you will get better what you're doing". -

You may hear this every single time when you're trying to do something or learn something new. It's partially true and this method alone doesn't guarantee your improvement.

As you know, I'm too obsessed with studying Neuroplasticity lately, And I do many interviews with many talented people to understand what method they use to become better. I found out that most of them doesn't know exactly why they are good at what they're doing. But one thing in common, they copied the one they want to be. And combine with some neuroscientific fact from Dr.Huberman (again), refine by myself, can conclude the benefit of copying as I will tell you below...

(I'm talking about copying for study, NOT for stealing the idea of for merchandise.)

1. Almost no one can copy anything at the first time you experience it. You'll made an error, and that's the key. ERRORS makes the plasticity works and the moment you can correct the errors, you imprint the (what you think it's right) method into your brain and you will remember the method, sequence and information you tried to copy. The more error you get, the more improvement you will.

2. When genius kind does something, it has some hidden reasons behind which they might not realize they exists. They're their knowledges or skills stacking from their past. (such as , angle of the arms, reaction time, visual relative, scientific method, Mathematic orders. etc. ) But when you copy it, you'll automatically imprint the pattern of them in your brain and remember many minor details which is hard to be described without analyzing them. Copying alone might work, but it'll not be the most effective way without giving it the reason why it works.

3. And no matter the real reason behind the method is, If you can make up your own reason for what you're doing, you'll remember it better no matter it's correct or not. And focusing particular function at the time, makes your brain release some chemical to help you improves overall performances no matter they're relate to what you think at that time or not.

4. and when you can do exactly what it should be by copying, you'll have a blueprint, a core concept to refer to when learning other skills. it will make sense later when you realize why it works.

5. What about copying a bad thing? Sadly, without analyze it properly, you'll be bad as same as the references. So before you study something, please remember, use the reliable source to study and ALWAYS questions what you've learnt. The best way is to copy from various source and try to find the intersect reasons between them.

I would say it's harder to do than say. But the point is

"Copy + Give it the reason why it works" 

are the key for better improvement.
