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Mid term stress and long term stress are bad. But "Short term stress" is a necessary key for learning.

"Short term stress means only 2-3 hours long. And not a panic stress."

Since the last time I post my diary, I tried to search and study the way to get rid of the stress. It turned out that I found this knowledge by accident.

Short term stress automatically drives your focus and keep you concentration. It releases some chemical that help you remember things faster or do things better. With the combination of motivation and desired focus on something, it's a very effective way to learn things or make the job done.

That explains why working near deadline is faster than usual. A shame-base method such as tell everyone online you are going to do something or self-promising or I'll lose money if I don't do it, will cause you stress enough to keep you on the track.

But be caution, stress too much, even in a very short period of time, is bad. Because when we stress, your body boost perceptions and muscle movement, increase blood pressure and releases some chemicals to make some parts of your body alert and function better. But subtract some function of your body such as your stomach or bladder system. This can cause you body damage if you can't control your stress.

I'll look further into this. There're a lot of information and theories I have to study. But as for now, I feel a lot better. Thanks everyone for the support. I'm almost ready to be back.


Jesse Nzechukwu

Don't Give up , we got your back , just keep marching forward 💪😀 , You Got this


Just take it one day at a time man. It's how I made it through some tough times in my past.