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from the last week, I have encountered an unexpected problem which will ruined every plans I prepared to learn for the last 2 years. I can't spend 3 months straight on learning as I want.

On the good part, I still have some available time left to learn things but I have to discard most of the subjects and keep only the crucial ones.

only Drawing and Programming is kept.

Language, Music compose, Animation, Physics, Financial, and Body building have to be discarded for now.

I'll be back on drawing sooner than I told you, but the quality still doesn't change much. Sadly, I wish I have more time to practice. But Life is a bitch. You need to adapt to survive.

This is also a part of my journey, an unpleasant one. I'm really pissed, but it's too soon to give up.



Well damn. Physics and finance might have been a bit too much. I don't think you should give up on you physical fitness. A workout a day, 4 times a week, could only take 30 to 40 minutes a day and you'll still see results, it just takes a bit longer to see them. Take me for example; this time last year, I weighed over 310 pounds. Now I'm almost under 200 and I've got some definition back in my arms. My point is just trim back on what you're trying to do like you are and then add what you can back into it when you figure out how much what you are doing takes and if you can do more, add one thing to it and see how it goes from there. Good luck.


Thanks, James. I'm trying to arrange new schedule for the current situation. I used to be a Physicist before became an Artist, so it's just like a recall for me and it'll help me create better storyline. About workout, I will maintain a schedule. But as I aim for Calisthenics at first. I may have to change to stretching and yoga instead to get rid of backpain problem.


I hope everything works out for you and life will stop being a jerk to you!😣


Do not ever give up sometimes life closes down on stuff you are doing in order to help you in other ways.

Jesse Nzechukwu

Do not give up , Bro , Life's challenges can be tough but do know that we got your back.