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I spent a lot of times on learning lately....but I found something weird about it....not every method work best for me.....this is what I experienced.

1. Learn from Time-lapse video : This method might not be a good choice for beginner. Because you will lost so many  important details which is necessary to learn. Time-lapse videos are for someone who already has skills and need to check what you've missed. Not for learn from zero.

2. "Undo" button is devil : I mean...it's very good for working. But for learning, It's not. Because human learn from recalling mistakes...that's why draw traditionally forces you to give more effort and more focus than digitally. Because it's hard to undo the mistake you make. Or martial art, needs to get into a real fight to taste the mistakes before you can watch and learn from opponents or master effectively.

3. Too concern to learn from the best kind : You don't need to learn from an Astronaut to build a water rocket. Sometimes, you may spend time on searching only 1 outstanding tutorial more than learn 3 or 4 standard tutorials in a row, which in fact, learning from 1 source always gain less knowledge from many sources.

4. Learn non-stop : This is the worst mistake I've made. More is less on learning. Becaues of 2 main reasons, (Confirm by Neuroscience)...human brain tries to avoid hardworking.....and it releases some neuro-chemical to force us to stop working or learning...and the other reason, we learn things from recall the memory. If we don't give room for our brain to forget, we will be too tired to recall anything.

Please don't repeat the mistakes I've made. And please remember, this is only my own experience. Do not believe everything you read.


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