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because I saw many hentai comics have only a few plot and little logic in it. Not like a manga I saw on tv or magazine. I wonder why? Because hentai doesn't need a complex story? or just no one make it.

It's just an opinion. no right, no wrong. I just want to understand this logic better. What do you think?

If it's you who read hentai comic, Which style do you prefer to read?

(This post will be self destructed in 3-4 days XD)


Spirit Radio

I vote for service shots, but i mostly think of amatarou's artwork. Sometimes they write short, direct, to the point hentai. Sometimes it can be enough to fill an entire book as a stand alone chapter.


I like both to be honest. The service shots are nice, but if there is also an engaging story, it keeps you coming back and enhances the whole experience.


Either can work, but I find that for hentai, it's generally best to keep the stories either shorter, or fairly light-hearted. Personally, I tend to write hentai with more of a comedic, silly style when I've got the option - if I get too into the story, it's easy to forget to add in the hentai if I didn't plan its exact locations well in advance!

Eve Black

I would not say that we need a complex and rich scenario, but ideally we must be attached to the characters to want to see them in sexy situations. :)


I see. Balancing won't fit in hentai comic. So I have to choose which part is the main and other as support. Thanks. I'll manage that.


Ah I get it. That's why drawing a character from anime is easy to attract the audience than an original character. Because it also has there own story to attache. Thanks Eve. I'll think about that.