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MOD No.123 | Dark Deception Silent Hill Nurse | [+]Mod

Again with the Nurses, huh? Saw an opportunity for a new Plus mod when i was updating the Silent Hill Nurse character mod (update will follow soon), so i moved and adjusted those updates to default characters too. Now you can make your own disturbingly sexy horror nurse. Or just the sexy.

📀 DOWNLOAD 🔻file attached to post🔻


💾 features

  • new clothing
    ▷ Nurse dress dirty - top category
    ▷ Nurse dress clean - top category
    ▷ Nurse shoes dirty - shoes category
    ▷ Nurse shoes clean - shoes category
    ▷ Nurse gloves dirty - gloves category
    ▷ Nurse gloves clean - gloves category
  • new accessory
    ▷ Nurse hat clean - head category
    ↪ dirty version included in Mod No.083
  • 2CC
    ▷ change the usual 2 color-option in maker - or via RendererEditor
  • custom made additions
    ▷ half-state for dress top & bot


📝 notes

  • i recommend for HSSSS Tessellation ("rounder" skin) usage Phong Strength around 0.40 and Edge Length around 20, at least that worked for me
  • the dress lower back (full mode) has a custom bone, so you can slightly  adjust the skirt in bent-to-front poses. search via HSPE advanced mode  for fix or skirt
  • should any sort of issues occur, please report on our 🥽tec-support channel on discord


💻 requirements

  • latest MoreSlotID
  • BonesFramework
  • GGmod (for heels) or whatever deals with that today
  • HSPE (advantageous)
  • RendererEditor (advantageous)
  • HSResolver (Do You Guys Not Have HSResolver?)


Remember, nothing's perfect, expect itches and glitches at some bodysizes and or positions.
All rights to the original creators/owners.



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