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Tessan Palmer

I love your reaction to singles inferno😂.When is the last episode of road to kingdom coming out?


I will give my opinion on jealousy from the point of view of my couple (I'm 21). I don’t mind if it’s occasional, it shows a more fragile side of him. It’s also flattering in a way that reminds us that we’re a woman who can attract attention and that make him worried (Without it being a lack of trust in me !) My English is imperfect so what I’m saying may be weird 😂 Well dosed and expressed jealousy is not a problem !

Elle E.

—Sejun is fineee😍 The fits are giving me runway model!🌟 — Love new girls round face & smile & that dress💙 — Why nobody going for Se-Jeong she’s on the outgoing, chillax side. And so gorgeous!😍 — Bruh if So-e & Yoong-Jae sit together 1 more time🛑STOP THIS MADNESS 🙄🥴 It would be bearable if Yoong Jae didn’t make himself look like a victim/sad puppy every time. …46:25 The way he sat next to her like she ickyy💀👊 Grow up sir! And be relaxed like So-e, she’s the one who got rejected not you….like Hello. …1:03:51 Look how strong So-e is to be able to sit up straight, look this guy in the eye, talk straight forward, Meanwhile Jae keeps looking down and hunched over. I respect her more than him for that very reason. He could’ve put a 🛑dead end to these convos long ago. — Seulki looks at all the guys the same when they 1st entered show from what I remember.


I like the new guy so much !!!


LMAO that girl so-hee she can’t give up on that guy. he has used juju on her, it’s so weird. i think she’s a lowkey psychopath 😂😭😭😭😭


nadine n the tattoo new guy go so well together !!!! can’t wait for you to find out !!


that play boy is so pathetic, he made so hee reject herself bc he was too much of a bitch to tell her. he’s actually the worst, he’s acting like he’s about to pass out after she did all the work. fuck him.

Panha Chhen

Sejun will gonna be your favorite next ep✨


in my opinion i actually like it when my man shows playful jealousy, it makes me feel like he wants me to himself only hehe but of course toxic or excessive jealousy is a turn off because sometimes it might seem like he doesn’t trust me if it’s too much


about yoongjae ? “the playboy” i feel like it’s fair for him to talk to few girls like soe and soeun since it’s the whole point of the show so i wouldn’t call him a player in that aspect but, maybe it’s just his personality he doesn’t seem to be straightforward and beats around the bush a lot. i feel like he wanted to give soe a chance because of her efforts towards him but since his feelings were stronger for soeun he unconsciously lead soe on and just went to soeun instead