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do you plan to watch season 3 as soon as season 2 ends? Or will there be a poll again?


you’re so real for saying, that puppy guy barely spoke to that girl. all of a sudden he chose her, when i watched it i was so mad at him because I liked him sooo much. lmao this show is infuriating


hahah not you saying you feel so bad for nadine, you’ve come a long way after calling her a red flag 😂😭😭


"I would go play golf with my girl and hit some balles in the hole" *taking a sipe of cola with a smirk" 👀😂


hmn i think you might be drinking whiskey. i don’t trust this ‘coca cola zero’ 💀


you’re too mean to seul ki 😩😩

ELIte squad

Ive seen your vids a couple times on youtube but never clicked I was searching for singles inferno reactions and decided to join and you're actually really cool i'll check out more of your stuff!


I agree with you, I'm not the biggest Seul Ki fan (based off of what we've seen of her up to this point). I used to work in the ESL world and one of the schools I worked at had 95% Korean students. I had numerous students like her, who would change as soon as any male student entered the room...they'd speak quietly and pretend to be shy, when two seconds before they were speaking at a regular volume, with confidence. Drove me insane. I feel like Seul Ki is the type of person who doesn't give you a straight answer because she wants to see who can offer her the most, always waiting for something better to come along. But maybe she will be different as the show progresses 💁🏻‍♀️🤞🏻

TJ Cadayona

Jin-young saved season 2 and became best out of the 3


it makes me kinda sad that you hate seulki that much, but I understand where you're coming from, a lot of ppl had the same thoughts while it was airing... but there were still quite a lot who liked her (including me) I just wish you weren't that hostile when they show her cos she got most of the screentime this season and you wouldn't enjoy it anymore T_T