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Lisa Alhanoush

“I’m surprised they like us tall men” de wet TRUST me girls like tall men 😭😭

Lisa Alhanoush

also I agree with you, I think sejeong is so so gorgeous


Nadine deserved better for real… I was shocked he didn’t pick her


Love Doctor is going through an existential crisis. Will he recover ? 😂


Speaking of travel, I’m going to Abidjan this summer for a medical internship, is this a nice place to visit ?


one thing i hate about these "korean men" is how they all like seul ki because she looks so "innocent and cute" like she literally has no personality and all she does is just smile and nod her head. Anytime she's on screen she's always smiling, babes what's so funny every single time, I dont get it.


Sejeong and Nadine are like the hottest girls there but bc of korean beauty standards those "korean men" want innocent n cute with no personality. just smiling n nodding, ugh im sick but i love the drama.


if you watch this show closely you'd observe the korean beauty standard is so weird, nadine is tall and tan same for sejeong but most of the guys like those two girls bc of their innocent n cute charm n they fit korean beauty standards. i'm not a fan of korean beauty standards personally there's something not right about it to me. you'd notice towards the end what i mean


the reason why the girls didn't like that guy that was cooking was bc he was not tall, lmao its pretty obvious. He's such a nice guy but as you know girls don't pick the nice guys hahahahah


that puppy guy is a player, just leading those women on for no reason.