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Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

Actually D.O have chef license he was also chef in military service. I was listen suho speech was heart warming but the members love to tease him and when suho said to baekhyun are you leader one year later baekhyun become superm leader 😆 that we never expect to see baekhyun as leader thanks to taemin he suggested baekhyun to be a leader we got cutest funniest leader. D.O said he never heard or listen Chen OST while Chen Sang two time for D.O drama. Next episode will me more fun get ready director baekhyun and Chanyeol, and the action sehun will act is his web drama is revenge action he was amazing in that drama sehun suite action kdrama. I mis the makneas alot, I love to suggest you exo said no mic no problem part 1&2 is fun how they sing without mic. Thanks for the reaction I can't wait Last two episode.