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Yessirrr, love seeing you back, happy new year De Wet! 🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️

Sarah Gurnel

I’m so happy you get to discover the boyz through those performances, they’re my favorite group alongside BTS because of how good of performers they are, their personalities are also golden. And to answer your question about their concerts, got lucky enough to follow their Europe tour on a few dates, and yeah well they’re outstanding but you probably guessed it 😂 hope you get to enjoy them more through your marathon this week and crossing fingers for some more tbz content later on 👌🏻 (also, they have practice videos for each of their performances they’ve done on the show I definitely would recommend watching them, the effort they’ve put in these stages is unmatched) Thanks for you reaction and your work 🥰

Priscilla Todd

Glad to see you back, hope you had a good Holiday and Happy New Year. This show is so wholesome on how the idols cheer each other on, and more so the further it goes as well as in Kingdom Lengendary War. After watching these shows it makes you think why idols don't or can't collab more. You see some collabs just not much.


ONEUS' performance this time was a Korean movie concept called Jeon Woo-chi, but I recommend you to watch this movie because it's fun˃ᴗ˂ Happy New Year٩(๑òωó๑)۶