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Elle E.

@0:19 AWWWW 🥺🥺❤️❤️ the puppy is looking like... "thanks for putting me on the spot dad, hiiii everyone" Haha. Congrats!

Lisa Alhanoush

OMGGG 🥺🥺 the cutest puppy ever are you kidding me i just died.


Aww congrats on finally getting your puppy! He is adorbs, like a baby Yeontan 🥹🥰 You will have so much fun with him, they make the best companions 💯

Priscilla Todd

Wow he is so cute! I'm glad you finally got to bring Haru home. Hope I spelled his name correctly. It will be amazing to watch him grow on the channel and with this community you have made.


Aww thank you yes you spelt it correct :D, maybe he can become a dance mascot on the babymonster dance xD


Welcome Haru ! Such a cutie 😍😚 How did you decide on the name ? Is there a meaning ? It will be complicated if he participates in the reactions, I will have to look at 3 things at the same time now 😂✨️


hahaha, I was watching this anime and the one characters names were Haru and I thought it was such a cute name. It translates to Spring (Japanese) and is associated with new life so I thought it was really fitting :D


I watch a lot of anime. Which one was it ? May be Ao haru Ride ? Very pretty name, he wears it wonderfully ! :D


Great reaction, so happy you're doing this show ❤️👏🏻 When you ask whether women like men who step in to defend them, I would say it depends on a variety of factors--including the type of situation at hand, the woman's age/stage of life, personality etc. When I was in my early 20s, I was much more shy and would have appreciated my partner stepping in to help. Now, as a fully developed adult with life experience under my belt, I would rather handle the situation myself as I see fit; if I needed help, I would ask my partner or give him some kind of signal. But if someone is physically attacking a woman, then get in there asap! All in all, I would say the best thing is to just have a candid conversation with your gf to ask her what would make her feel most comfortable and protected ❤️

Priscilla Todd

Definitely a possibility lol. Where did you get the name Haru from? I'm not sure if I heard you say or not.


Thank you for the knowledge. Yeah if someone putting their hands on a women they are gonna get put to sleep. This honestly makes so much sense lol, but yeah I'll ask Lalisa Manobal what she would prefer :D


Well that's just going to make Kim Se Jeong super jealous 😅🤬💥💀