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Yeah, I’ve been wanting for your reaction, thank you so much


Mudok understood at the end that it’s about her because she’s UK’s bird egg. She said “I AM his bird egg” not “were his bird egg” so don’t be so angry😂😂 Also I love how protective you are of their relationship, I’m with you on that. Team Jang Uk💪🏼

Lisa Alhanoush

the white hair guy thinks that buyeon is dead while the mother thinks she’s lost and is searching for her. the “blind” girl friend that came into the picture had a ribbon to give back to mudeok…and that ribbon had the crest of the jinyowon family. think about when mudeok was able to open up the relic door…keep this in mind and I’m sure you’ll be able to piece it together :)


Okay to clarify, buyeon isnt dead i think the most important thing you need to remember is that before soul shifting with naksu, mudeok was a blind village girl. How she ended up in the village and who she actually is and how she ties in with the story is slowly starting to be revealed so if you just think of it in that context im sure you can peice together who is who. 9 times out of 10 your conspiracy theories are right so this time deffo hold onto your thought bc you're not wrong ;)


Naaaaah, so the others have the right for flirting with Uk without criticism, but Yul who is all nice is the bad guy? Keep it up YUL ! I got your back man 🥷


Courage, Mudeok (and the missing blind girl) is the most complicated element to understand the story. It is necessary to assemble the parts gradually from the beginning to understand. I’m not good enough in English to explain without spoiler so I’ll shut up and keep watching you struggle sorry 🤣

Priscilla Todd

Patience with this is a must.. I found myself wanting to either yell at the characters, throw something, or stop watching the show all together, multiple times due to the possible love triangles that they throw at you, as well as the miss direction of storylines.. but all of it is done for reasons.. they purposely keep you on your toes.


yeaa the thing with this show is that nasku has been abandoned so many times. no one has ever been there for her except jang uk n she trusted him so much unknowingly. When the maidservant was talking to her about the girl in jang uk’s heart she realized it was her. so she was kinda happy yunno? bc jang uk didn’t abandon her


sometimes you gotta pay attention to the actions n not the words only.

Elle E.

13:58 the confusion haha it’s okay The way you’re bias towards new love interest for Uk but highly dislike Yul Smh Lol Yul is actually more in love with Naksu rather than Mudeok, he’s really just holding on to that past love. 1:14:59 “that’s the point!” Haha I can’t with love people be in their head too much


omg he so kind and cute with the new girl and uk and yul appeeared he changed fst than a night hehehehe