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For me, Moustache goes better with the beard, if you grow the beard a little, the moustache look amazing, the moustache without the beard for me looks a little out of place. So, either Full facial hair or clean shaven. Also the end scene of episode 2 was BEFORE, and that North Korean is a high ranking soldier I beleive, and she was on vacation there and thats where she found the passion for paragliding.


Those ending scenes are not spoilers they basically just provide more context on how and to what extent the lives of the main leads are intertwined.


The scene of her being in Switzerland is way before she ended up in north korea so again they're not spoilers. At that point in time they both didnt know each other so the point is to show how even before they first met fate had already led them to be around one another

Doh Kyungsoo

the guy at 46:14 is not in snowdrop I don't think lol unless I'm wrong

Lisa Alhanoush

handsome oppa either way haha but I’d say if you keep the mustache keep the beard but honestly by itself doesn’t look bad at all !! shaven is good too :) BASICALLY u can pull off anything lol

Priscilla Todd

함께 (hamgge) means together, along with. And I believe you should do what ever makes you happy. But if you're good with either way and just looking for stylistic opinions, then maybe the go-tee again.. It is a little hard to say because either choice is a good choice.


awww, thank youuuu. Haha I went straight back to the shaven after over thinking the Stache


Shot Dillon ! always love hearing your feedback my bro. Yeah those scenes made me jump to conclusions before understanding xD