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going seventeen, please

Elle E.

The man who gave him the last hard whip (Park Jin) is basically a father figure to him (Uk) bc the old King is dead & (Jang Gang) the one who refuses to claim him as his son is nowhere to be found. So you could see the pain in his smile & pain in his eyes when he walked away from Park Jin at the end. Honestly I wouldn’t mind if Mu-Deok ended up with Seo Yul for little while at least Lol the chemistry is on fire 👀🔥❤️ “I love you” probs sound diff. bc of the time period they are in, it isn’t modern/present day South Korea like the dramas you’ve watched. Like Old English would sound a bit awkward/weird to us modern English speakers. AsianWiki.com/Alchemy_of_Souls shows character names & faces & what family each belongs to

Lisa Alhanoush

the girl in the tree with younger seo yul is younger naksu. which is why she knows it’s him but, he obv doesn’t recognize mu deok.


this show had the best love triangle like i wasnt even mad at all, usually i dont fw love triangles in other dramas but this one, omgggg so good !! all the love triangles was just so cute u cant even get mad & THE SOUNDTRACK !!!


i have never felt so much for a tv character like i feel for jang uk, like there's a lot of life lessons in his story. he's so cool ugh even the way he walks, this actor did such a good job executing this character. his friends are so cute n supportive, also mudeok is his maid like he owns her so they cant take her away from him when technically he is her owner.


I need the next ep like… today