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Agrani Tiwari

What I love about this show is that, its not physical revenge, she is not killing them or hurting her directly, she is doing all this piece by piece without getting her own hands dirty. She is playing them all. It's so fun and engaging to watch her crushing them like ants.

Priscilla Todd

About the situation with the surgeon, you are on the right path except for one piece of information that I will let you figure out on your own. I don't want to give any spoilers that the show will reveal itself. And as far as the mother of the rich guy marrying the flight attendant, I can't speak on behalf of the culture, but the mother is checking for cleanliness, or possibly just looking for a way to get rid of her. I hope this helps. Love your reactions.

Lisa Alhanoush

https://youtu.be/_U5aqb1JdbY de wet ! if you have the time def check out this fancam of yunas “u-go-girl” performance ! I know you’ll love it đŸ˜«


when ye-sol was at green light and jea jun was waiting for her to cross, she couldnt cross bc she didnt know the light was green bc she's colorblind. jea jun hugged her so tight because he realized she's color blind like him.


I was wondering about that scene, and it totally went over my head... Thank you !