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Firstly I want to apologize for not getting to all the content This week. I am working on my University 3rd year business management thesis and it's not looking to great at the moment and will need to dedicate more time on my studies this week.

I will be using next week as followed:

Wednesday: SEVENTEEN x Game Gateres

Thursday: Hotel Del Luna Episode 4

Friday: The Glory Episode 4

Saterday: Hotel Del Luna Episode 5

Sunday: The Glory Episode 5

I apologize sincerely, I honestly hate doing this beacuse I know all of you pay to see my content and I really try my best to put them out everyday but it's been difficult recently so let me get back to my feet and Comeback strong on Wednesday !!!


Maude Péronnet

Don’t worry take your time, studies is important as well 😊 We can wait a little bit, even more if it’s for you to work. We understand, at least I do, just got through my first year of Uni after the second Attempt, by focusing more on my work, so don’t worry about us and do what you need to do. 😁


omg no need to apologize! your education will always be more important!! good luck, sending you lots of luck and love :-)


Im in uni too so i completely understand the workload and how hard it is to juggle things so dont worry and you got this !! 💜

Lucia Rocamora

Your studies are way more importat than some reaction videos, take your time to nail your thesis, and make great content when you can. Good luck♡♡♡


I refuse your apology because there is no need ! Take care of yourself and your mind. The most important thing is that you can focus on what really matters, your studies. Courage ! 🤞


dont worry!! i hope your studies go well and dont apologize! the content comes out when you have time so dont stress, we are not gonna be upset at you at ALL for focusing on yourself!


No worries!! I just graduated as a Medical Assistant so I understand how time consuming and stressful studying can be, take all of the time you need and please take care of yourself during this time. Lots of water and as much rest as possible :) good luck!!


It’s all good, just do what you need too! School is important.


Focusing on yourself and your education is way more important, we’ll be here when you return


I appreciate everyone's kind words ❤️