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Paik Jungwon is a very famous Korean chef. He was actually a guest on a few Run BTS episodes actually, and their chemistry is really good. Somewhere around episode 120-something, I think. You'll enjoy those when you get there. I could never eat Yukhoe. Just the idea of eating raw meat is just weird for my brain. I'll try a lot of things, but my brain just shies away from that. On Jin's shoe is probably a tag. He tends not to take tags off of his clothes for some reason. Just one of his cute quirks. There's also an extra video that is a photo commentary by the members. They looks back at some pictures and give a few more behind the scenes stories. I think it's on Weverse as well. It should be part of the package.

Nanna olsen

Hi! for things to watch I recommend the rise of bangtan. I know you already watched some of it but the series is seriously so good and you get to see everything they've been through. It's such a good series so I hope you'll take it into consideration when making the poll☺️

Nanna olsen

The song you heard was feel special by twice. They were also dancing to cheer up the shy shy part in season 1 which was quite fun to see

Diya Jain

I am already missing this again! I have watched 'In the Soop' for the third time. I think I just love it so much. We need another season for sure!