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Meese Meese

They kicked Somun out because of his emotion and now that emotion is the only way to kill that evil spirit And Somun is the only person who can create the territory 😏😏😏 I still can not forgive Wi-gen


Wow So Mun is so handsome 😍❤️


Dont be embarrassed about the young detective. We all felt the same! 😂 And I also had goosebumps during the territory scene the first time I watched it! So fucking cool. Now what are they going to do? If host of the evil spirit died, the spirits inside him will also perish and cant ascend forever. Unless they find a new host..Anyway, still cant believe that Motak's actor is already 53 y.o!


Motak is in his late 30's but yes the actor is 53. People are also surprised when they found out because his body is ripped af

Meese Meese

I went to google immediately to check and it's true. OMG i can't believe it. So he was filming this action drama when he was 50 years old? And he was in Alchemy of Soul is another action drama as well when he 52 last year!!! He is just 4 years younger than my grandpa