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Aslak Poulsen

Uhh I can answer the Jennie nickname thing, it is a very old nickname for Jennie given by Jisoo in trainee days, it comes from 제니 (Jennie) and 찐득찐득 (jjindeukjjindeuk) meaning to be sticky, so it is a portmanteau of the two giving 젠득 (Jendeuk) often there will be added an 이 (i so Jendeuki) making it more cute, or if she is very ((sticky)) the members sometimes add 야 (Yah so Jendeukiyah) as a cute exclamation of ((enough)) with the sticky" in a caring and loving way ofc. double parenthesis are for air quotes.... Patreon can't do air quotes for some reason

Sara Turcan

When are you updating the Bts in soop ep 8 and the drama


The cheek-related nickname is Mandu (means dumpling in korean), cause her cheeks are round like dumplings lol! Jendeuk is another nickname for another reason :)


oh yeah, got confused between mandu and jendeuk you are right.

Aslak Poulsen

I finally got around to it just pre pandemic at night school, but since then mostly TTMIK when I have time :) it is a surprising amount that gets lost in translation, but understandable once you (for me at least) fully realize the entire structure of the language is different so it can't be translated only interpreted or else it wouldn't make much sense.... unrelated but auto-translates fitting in random pronouns kinda gives it away, I realized