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Finally ❤️❤️


Yay!! Excited to follow this with you :))


i really love this show esp because the host is Yoo Jae Seok, he's also one of the members in running man and i'm a big fan of running man. the concept of the show was also interesting, jennie was incredibly adorable in this.


you probably know by now because you've already watched until ep 4 but it's actually an individual game. So them hiding the hints is actually what they should really do bc it's an individual game and not a team game. Only one of them can win the prize. The team games are only a side game but the real game where they find the prize, it is individual so they don't have to help each other when they find a hint bc again it is an individual game. Also, the things they chose from the beginning are hints. So there are 8 items in total, each one of them has different item hints and the game is they should collect as much item hints so they have a higher chance of figuring out where the prize is hidden. (jennie's item is a bread so it's not for her to eat. it's a hint) their item hints are used in a specific reason. so they need to figure out also where and how to used their item hints to identify the hint that they have.


also, for the fart jokes and things like that. It's all a joke so you don't have to take it seriously. The tall woman comedian named Jang Do Yeon and the short guy who's also a comedian named Yang Se hyeong are both really close and the whole fart thing is just a joke between them. The dust storm and things like that are exaggeration so it's not true.