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Meese Meese


Meese Meese

About the bully in South Korea, most of Korean saying it even worse in real life Like there is a movie called The Glory, about bullying in high school that based on a true story. After you watch that show, those bully story you see on this or other Kdrama are nothing compared to it


I love Uncanny Counter 😍😍😍 I miss so much So Mun & Do Hana 😍 I can't wait for episode 2 😊😊😊😊❀️


Season 2 was supposed to be released in 2021, but some fake scandals about Jo Byung-gyu prevented filming. Jo Byung Gyu took a break for a year, but now he's back, probably season 2 will be released in 2023 or 2024. Jo Byung Gyu is a really good actor and I'm so glad he's back ❀️ it's nice that they didn't give So Mun role to another actor and wait for ByungGyu to come back. I couldn't imagine anyone else in So Mun role 😊😍


It must be hard for you to post two kdramas at the same time, but thank you. can't wait to watch these dramas again with you


finally! been waiting for this all day :)) regarding season 2, they already started filming it last november and it will be released on june this year. Everyone's waiting for that. kim sejeong is so badass here and to clarify your take about ms. chu, the old woman counter, shes not shin hari's mom but shes in a lot of kdramas too.


Bro your frustrations are understandable, dont worry! Ep.1 got an action packed intro plus the intial info and introduction of characters but trust me, everything will be clearer on Ep. 2 and I hope youll enjoy it! Just be ready for more actions, gore and mysteries and of course, a cooler version of Shin Hari 😍 Thank you so much for reacting to this!


Anyway, here are some points to answer your questions on Ep.1: -Their territory is those colorful light streaks from the sky that randomly appears and whenever they step inside it, they become stronger and the evil spirits weaker. Thats why they need to chase it whenever they see it. -Somun's parents werent counters, theyre detectives. -Motak was the same guy who fell off the building in the intro. I just think you didnt recognize his face. -Ms. Chu (the old woman counter) is a different actress, she isnt Shin Hari's mom -In case you didnt notice, all counters have curly hairs -That woman who came out of the counter who died in the intro was Wigen and she was involuntarily sucked into Somun's body -Each counter has their own partner from the afterlife but only Wigen was introduced in the first episode. -The kpop idol looking bully was the mayor's son. The mayor was that guy in the limo with his secretary.


haha I agree πŸ˜‚ Thank you and I cant wait to see Shin hari kick ass


πŸ˜‚okay okay I see now… talk about counters with curly hair… 🫑 jk so Somun can have wigen as his partner in the afterlife even if they never met before. and oh sh*t how did I not see that , Motak was the guy who fell from the building damn then he has been a counter for quite some time now. do counters keep their memories ? like the ones that should have died but came back as a counter


Yes their partners can be anyone, and their memories are intact except for Motak because he got amnesia from the accident 7 years ago. And you could be a counter too with your curly hair and be Hana's boyfriend πŸ˜‚


Still cant believe that it's the same actress who played that cute and bubbly researcher/crazy vixen from business proposal. Her acting skills are πŸ”₯ Shes ny favorite character here along with motak ❀❀❀❀


This drama is wild and intense. If ure into some anime or superhero drama and shit, ure gonna love this too. My wife kim sejeong is so clumsy in bp but here shes dope af πŸ”₯


waiiittt okay Lisa is my Wife but Kim Sejeong is also up there for me :D


be careful sometimes have extra scenes at the end


You meant the previews? Yes their previews always contained the biggest spoiler, better avoid it πŸ˜†


No the previews, they have extra clips in the end . I think Episode 4 have extra scene in the end


It's not a spoiler it's just extra scenes, you will see in episode 4. when episode ends right after it will show an extra scene