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I loved this episode. For the blood type thing you mentioned at the beginning. Blood type is important for like Asian and black people because if some blood type mixes when you’re intimate with someone and you give birth to a child , that child can have a sickle cell blood type. Meaning the child will go through serious sickness more than other blood types. Like 20 more times more than other blood types, the person can get like seriously sick a lot, like kidney issues for example or having a deficiency. And they get sick from little things cause the immune system is very weak. Just informative fact for you in case you wanted to know


yup my brother has sickle cell disease cause my mom and his dad never knew they had the traits for it currently he's in the hospital cause he's been going through a crisis, and they told him almost his whole body is full of sickle so im praying he gets better

Areum (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-11 02:54:20 i feel so bad for you, your head is going to hurt so much with the mother thing and the butterfly thing haha. but with each episode will reveal more slowly so be patient hehe. also a little tip focus on all the cast to help you understand more for the later episodes. gangtae has had it hard but when you see it from different point of views they all had it hard in different ways and explanations. i appreciate your reactions and i really enjoy rewatching it with you. next k-drama should be less dramatic haha maybe a romcom lol you've been through so much :') looking forward to next week's episodes! love ya <3
2022-11-06 20:26:23 i feel so bad for you, your head is going to hurt so much with the mother thing and the butterfly thing haha. but with each episode will reveal more slowly so be patient hehe. also a little tip focus on all the cast to help you understand more for the later episodes. gangtae has had it hard but when you see it from different point of views they all had it hard in different ways and explanations. i appreciate your reactions and i really enjoy rewatching it with you. next k-drama should be less dramatic haha maybe a romcom lol you've been through so much :') looking forward to next week's episodes! love ya <3

i feel so bad for you, your head is going to hurt so much with the mother thing and the butterfly thing haha. but with each episode will reveal more slowly so be patient hehe. also a little tip focus on all the cast to help you understand more for the later episodes. gangtae has had it hard but when you see it from different point of views they all had it hard in different ways and explanations. i appreciate your reactions and i really enjoy rewatching it with you. next k-drama should be less dramatic haha maybe a romcom lol you've been through so much :') looking forward to next week's episodes! love ya <3


haha, thanks for the tip :D yeah a Rom Con is right up my alley, after this series I feel like I'm going to have a PhD in Psychology or something