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Priscilla Todd

These are an hour and it's still not enough.. They seriously need to show the games they have been playing.. that is like the best part, come on now lol. Apart from that, I'm glad to see these guys get to have what would look like "normal" dates and I think other labels should consider this..


Exactly! I am all for idols being public with their emotions/dating I think they should feel free to share these things if they wanted to. EXCEPT FOR LISA! lmao

Priscilla Todd

Thats how I feel as well, it's truly not fair for them to not have a life outside of an Idol life. But who knows, maybe this is a test to the fandoms to see their reaction to Treasure (the first ones) in this situation. Yes, it's all set up.. but it does allow for fans to put the notion in their heads and get use to the idea of Idols dating and possibly having gf/bf's. Any Idol should be able to live their life happily.. and be supported by their fandoms.. just my thoughts though!


I agree with you. Imagine telling/opposing the idea of another human not dating or seeing someone. Never mind not even knowing the idol you are prohibiting it from irl.